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  • Environmental Science
Acid Rain Effects
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students conduct a simple experiment to model and explore the harmful effects of acid rain (vinegar) on living (green leaf and eggshell) and non-living (paper clip) objects.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Amy Kolenbrander
Denise Carlson
Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Natalie Mach
Date Added:
Biomes -- Out Teach
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0.0 stars

STUDENT ACTIVITY - 5th Grade: This is a distance-learning lesson that students can complete at home. The student will explore the biome in which they live while comparing it to other major biomes around the world.This activity was created by Out Teach (out-teach.org), a nonprofit providing outdoor experiential learning to transform Science education for students in under-served communities.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Biotecnología Ambiental, Aplicaciones y Tendencias
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0.0 stars

La Biotecnología Ambiental emplea el uso de organismos para la prevención, monitoreo y remediación de los ecosistemas, al mismo tiempo permite la generación de bioproductos y energía limpia. El libro consistió en tres capítulos, en el primero se establece los fundamentos de la Biotecnología Ambiental y sus aplicaciones en entornos terrestre, acuático y aéreo; además, se presentan herramientas aplicadas como los biosensores en el monitoreo ambiental, la fitorremediación en varios contextos de América Latina y el fortalecimiento de la agricultura sustentable. En el segundo capítulo se describe la importancia de un estudio bibliométrico y el enfoque para las diversas investigaciones, se detalla un manual de uso, que permite su replicabilidad en otros contextos. Además de presentar un caso de estudio aplicado al tema central de este libro, que sistematiza los temas más estudiados, las tendencias, revistas y países con mayores contribuciones. En el tercer capítulo se presentan varias prácticas de laboratorio y una sección de preguntas, que pueden ser empleadas en otras instituciones educativas o de manera autónoma. En conclusión, los capítulos son complementarios entre sí, facilitando la comprensión e interés del lector. El área de mayor relevancia corresponde a la biorremediación en suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos y metales pesados, los grupos más frecuentes en la revisión fueron hongos, cianobacterias y organismos genéticamente modificados. Finalmente, existe una oportunidad del uso y la potencial combinación de las técnicas basadas en metagenómica, ADN ambiental, inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de las nuevas tendencias de la Biotecnología Ambiental

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Building with Nature & Beyond: Principles for designing nature based engineering solutions
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0.0 stars

This book is based upon the edX MOOCs Engineering: Building with Nature and Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature. The Engineering: Building with Nature MOOC, explores the use of natural materials and ecological processes in achieving effective and sustainable hydraulic infrastructure designs, distilling Engineering and Ecological Design Principles. In the Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature course, the missing element of Social Design Principles is developed and taught.

Join us in exploring the interface between hydraulic engineering, nature and society!

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Date Added:
Climate Justice in Your Classroom
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0.0 stars

Weaving Climate, Environmental Justice and Civic Engagement into Your Courses

Short Description:
As the inequitable impacts of climate change become more evident and destructive, it is essential for climate and environmental justice, as well as methods of civic engagement, to be taught at a high-level to college-level students. This book provides real examples of how professors at the University of Washington integrated these critical issues into their teachings, both in targeted lessons and as throughlines across an entire course. These samples of how environmental and climate justice have been successfully integrated into higher-level education can serve as both a record of the UW's progress towards centering JEDI at the heart of all students, and as a model for future instructors to use as they work to incorporate more aspects of justice and engagement into their own material.

Long Description:
With the increased effect of anthropogenic climate change, the impact of environmental issues on human societies has never been more essential to understand. With science-backed research showcasing that human activities are actively worsening the effect of many environmental issues including severe temperatures, natural disasters, and biodiversity loss, there is severe need for all, whether we are scientists, activists, educators, or policy-makers, to take action. However, the global nature of both our society and the dangers we are facing necessitates careful consideration in analyzing and combatting environmental issues in a modern world. To properly adapt to and mitigate these issues, which may directly target specific communities or affect societies across the globe, not only do we need a proper grasp of environmental and climate science, but we need to ensure that solutions are mindful of the communities and ecosystems that are affected. We must not be content with climate and environmental solutions that fail to consider diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility as key tenets. In short, justice must be at the heart of our climate and environmental work going forward.

Yet, facilitating just solutions cannot be done while the institutions that teach the next generation fail to highlight climate and environmental justice in their teachings. Without a natural and focused inclusion of DEIA values in environmental courses in higher education, there is reduced capacity for students who wish to engage to garner an understanding of what just solutions look like and how to implement them. This book seeks to remedy that gap.

Throughout this book, we synthesize the current efforts towards including climate, environmental justice, and civic engagement in courses taught at the University of Washington – Seattle. These examples range from specific lessons on environmental injustice to course-long integration of climate justice values, and include course details, lesson plans, and other resources provided by course instructors in an easy-to-access format. The chapters in this book each constitute a real method of integrating climate and environmental justice into a course, and thus provide a bounty of instruction for increasing the inclusion of justice in course material for instructors across any discipline. Lessons will be regularly added to the book as they are implemented and adapted. The existence of this book marks not only the history of environmental justice in courses at the UW, but also the emphasis on the topic of justice that the college is placing in the current day, as well as serving as a guide or model for instructors to use as more courses begin to fully integrate justice into their curriculum. Through this work, we can be more reliably assured that the people we are training to practice civic engagement and climate and environmental action can not just protect the planet, but preserve the life of the people, communities, and ecosystems who depend on it.

This book has been created with support from the University of Washington Program on Climate Change, the UW Program on the Environment, and the University of Washington College of the Environment, especially from material created at our annual Climate and Environmental Justice Faculty Institute.

Word Count: 9944

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies
Higher Education
Physical Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
Climate Lessons: Environmental, Social, Local
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Anthropogenic climate change is one of the, if not the most, pressing issues of our times. The problems that it causes range across many social and environmental domains from habitat and species loss and displacement to the more human and social concerns and issues of access to water, sea level rise that affects coastal communities, to economic degradation as a result of the aforementioned and other connected issues such as increased frequency of storms, droughts, wildfires, and the like. We also know that the affects of climate change are not distributed evenly across populations- that many will and do feel the negative effects of this slow developing problem earlier and more intensely than others based on where they are located both geographically and within economic and other socio-cultural hierarchies. We also know that recently, there is a marked effort to begin to move away from simply decrying the horrors of climate change to a continued recognition of those horrors as they exist now and into the future alongside attempts to begin to come to terms with the changing climate and to rethink the ways that our social and environmental relations and communities are organized with an eye toward both adapting to these changes and mitigating further damage. There is, however, much work to be done. This book was co-authored by undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute while exploring the influences of Earth systems and human systems on climate change and the communities at most risk in an interdisciplinary project-based first year course. This course attempts to bring together knowledge of the science of ecological and climate systems and their changing status with knowledge of the social and communal structures within which these systems are embedded and through which they have been influenced. The book highlights key interests and insights of current students in their quest to think through these issues and to create a better world.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Date Added:
Conservation techniques
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This book fosters the recognition of options for making progress toward increased environmental conservation through an understanding of the underlying science and practice of a variety of conservation techniques. Today, there are expected benefits from integrated science and practice, and many people are promoting this as the way forward to improve our environment. Over time, trends emerge regarding the best way to conserve the environment, but so far an outstanding solution has not emerged. Each conservation technique has its foundational concepts, limitations, and implementation issues. Reviewing a collection of techniques provides a basis for considering which approach will be best for any specific environmental challenge. This book should advance the recognition of the challenges managing the environment, techniques that can be used to address the challenges, and the ways they might help foster the integration of science and the practice of ecological conservation.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Rutgers University
Date Added:
Cool Views
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students learn the meaning of preservation and conservation and identify themselves and others as preservationists or conservationists in relation to specific environmental issues. They use Venn diagrams to clarify the similarities and differences in viewpoints. They see how an environmental point-of-view affects the approach to an engineering problem.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Amy Kolenbrander
Janet Yowell
Jessica Todd
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
Design a Net-Zero Energy Classroom
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students create a concept design of their very own net-zero energy classroom by pasting renewable energy and energy-efficiency items into and around a pretend classroom on a sheet of paper. They learn how these items (such as solar panels, efficient lights, computers, energy meters, etc.) interact to create a learning environment that produces as much energy as it uses.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
William Surles
Date Added:
Eek, It leaks!
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students construct model landfill liners using tape and strips of plastic, within resource constraints. The challenge is to construct a bag that is able to hold a cup of water without leaking. This represents similar challenges that environmental engineers face when piecing together liners for real landfills that are acres and acres in size.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Melissa Straten
Date Added:
Engineers Speak for the Trees
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students begin by reading Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" as an example of how overdevelopment can cause long-lasting environmental destruction. Students discuss how to balance the needs of the environment with the needs of human industry. Student teams are asked to serve as natural resource engineers, city planning engineers and civil engineers with the task to replant the nearly destroyed forest and develop a sustainable community design that can co-exist with the re-established natural area.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Denise W. Carlson
Jacob Crosby
Kate Beggs
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
Environmental Interactions
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this activity, students create a "web" to identify and demonstrate the interactions among the living and non-living parts of an environment. This information allows students to better understand what an environment is and to also consider how engineers use teamwork to solve problems.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Amy Kolenbrander
Janet Yowell
Jessica Todd
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
Environmental Toxicology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This open online textbook on Environmental Toxicology aims at covering the field in its full width, including aspects of environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, toxicology and risk assessment. With that, it will contribute to improving the quality, continuity and transparency of the education in environmental toxicology. We also want to make sure that fundamental insights on fate and effects of chemicals gained in the past are combined with recent approaches of effect assessment and molecular analysis of mechanisms causing toxicity.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Fish, Fishing, and Conservation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Fish, Fishing, and Conservation is a 389-page, peer-reviewed open textbook intended for undergraduate students who are exploring majors in Fish & Wildlife. It is also relevant to a general audience or for use in courses which explore social and ethical aspects of fish, fishing and conservation.

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People, places, and approaches to fishing are as varied as the diverse fish fauna that exist on the planet. As conservation planners recognize the value of substantial engagement of stakeholders in decision making and ineffectiveness of rigid top-down management approaches, Fish, Fishing, and Conservation asserts that all peoples must play a role in conservation. Through case studies, engaging narrative and graphics, and exercises, the text explores major motivations for fishing and non-fishing related values, responsible fisheries practices, the rights of all people to decide how to manage and conserve fish, their habitats, and how they are utilized in the context of overfishing as a pressing global problem for which appropriate solutions are not easily found nor implemented.

Introductory chapters examine fish, fishing, and why fish matter and examine the role of values in driving conservation initiatives. Fish and their unique sensory capabilities are described along with a review of recent studies to examine issues of pain, sentience, and learning in fishes living in a foreign, underwater world. The text incorporates these new findings in conservation and management leading readers to evaluate and adopt suitable approaches to ethical reasoning which consider the welfare needs of wild and cultured fishes. Later chapters focus on the role of gender in fishing, conservation organizations, recreational fishing, and a focus on specific fisheries that reveal the principles of conservation and management as they play out in major controversies. Additionally, the textbook contains audio recordings of professional profiles by Virginia Tech students. These are linked at the beginning of each end-of-chapter Professional Profile. Audio recordings are also available on Spotify.

How to Access the Book
The main landing page for this book is https://doi.org/10.21061/fishandconservation. The text is available in multiple formats, including PDF, ePub, and Pressbooks https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/fishandconservation.

Teaching Resources
Additional teaching resources including a sample syllabus, course schedule, and selected assignments related to this book are available at http://hdl.handle.net/10919/115425. Individuals who wish to share their materials relevant to teaching in this subject area are encouraged to join and share their openly-licensed resources via the Fish, Fishing, and Conservation Instructor Group in OERCommons

ISBN PDF 978-1-957213-27-9
ISBN Print 978-1-957213-28-6
ISBN Pressbooks 978-1-957213-31-6 https://pressbooks.lib.vt.edu/fishandconservation
ISBN ePub 978-1-957213-29-3

Table of Contents
1. Fish, Fishing, and Why They Matter
2. Values Drive Fish Conservation
3. Sensory Capabilities of Fish
4. Ethical Reasoning and Conservation Planning
5. Pain, Sentience, and Animal Welfare
6. Public Aquariums and Their Role in Education, Science, and Conservation
7. Gender and Fishing
8. Angling and Conservation of Living Fishy Dinosaurs
9. Fly Fishing’s Legacy for Conservation
10. Recreational Fishing and Keep Fish Wet
11. Integrating Fishers in the Management of Arapaima
12. Conserving Tunas: The Most Commercially Valuable Fish on Earth
13. Groupers and Spawning Aggregations
14. Menhaden and Forage Fish Management
15. Takeaways for Successful Fish Conservation

Suggested Citation: Orth, Donald (2023). Fish, Fishing, and Conservation. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. https://doi.org/10.21061/fishandconservation. Licensed with CC BY 4.0.

About the Author
Donald J. Orth is the Thomas H. Jones Professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He has taught the following courses: Ichthyology, Stream Habitat Management, Fisheries Management, Fish Population Dynamics, Fish, Fishing, and Conservation, and First-Year Experience in Natural Resources. His principal interests are in population and community ecology, stream fish ecology, regulated rivers, instream flow and stream habitat assessment, fisheries management, and fish population dynamics. He has guided numerous undergraduate research projects and advised 33 graduate students during his career.

Don attended Eastern Illinois University (BS) and Oklahoma State University (MS and PhD). He is a Life Member of the American Fisheries Society and a Certified Fisheries Professional. He is also a Fellow of the American Fisheries Society, the American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists, and the Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Institute. Don has published more than 150 primary papers and 50 technical reports on fish, fisheries, and riverine management. Much of his research was also communicated with a general audience in over 180 popular articles. He has received numerous awards for his teaching and contributions to conservation and public outreach. Most recently, the Virginia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society awarded him the Eugene W. Surber Award for years of significant contributions to the field of fisheries science.

Selected Acknowledgments
Publication of this work was made possible in part by grants from VIVA, the Virtual Library of Virginia, and the University Libraries at Virginia Tech through its Open Education Initiative, which provides development assistance and financial support to Virginia Tech faculty who wish to use, create, or adapt openly licensed teaching materials to support student learning. The University Libraries also contributed faculty and staff support. Donald Orth’s contributions were supported in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture Program and Virginia Tech Polytechnic Institute and State University. Additional funding support was provided by the Thomas H. Jones Endowment.

Errata and Error Reporting
Error Reporting

Accessibility Statement: Virginia Tech is committed to making its publications accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Open Education Initiative is committed to continuous improvement regarding accessibility. The text, images, and links in the PDF versions of this text are tagged structurally and include alternative text, which allows for machine readability. Audio recordings of each profile in fish conservation are available as mp3 files via Spotify and Pressbooks. Please contact openeducation at vt.edu if you are a person with a disability and have suggestions to make this book more accessible.

Cover Art: Nora Ligus
Cover Design: Kindred Grey

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Date Added:
Forest Measurements
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An Applied Approach

Short Description:
This is a forest measurements textbook written for field technicians. Silvicultural applications and illustrations are provided to demonstrate the relevance of the measurements. Special “technique tips” for each skill are intended to help increase data collection accuracy and confidence. These include how to avoid common pitfalls, effective short cuts and essentials for recording field data correctly. The emphasis is on elementary skills; it is not intended to be a timber cruising guide. Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/forest-measurements-an-applied-approach/23678305

Long Description:
This is a forest measurements textbook written for field technicians. Silvicultural applications and illustrations are provided to demonstrate the relevance of the measurements. Special “technique tips” for each skill are intended to help increase data collection accuracy and confidence. These include how to avoid common pitfalls, effective short cuts and essentials for recording field data correctly. Topics include how to determine %slope, tree height, tree diameter, live crown ratio, tree age, crown class and site index. The emphasis is on elementary skills; it is not intended to be a timber cruising guide.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/forest-measurements-an-applied-approach/23678305

Word Count: 21980

ISBN: 978-1-63635-053-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Date Added:
I Feel Renewed!
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this activity, students will simulate the equal and unequal distribution of our renewable resources. Also, they will consider the impact of our increasing population upon these resources and how engineers develop technologies to create resources.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Amy Kolenbrander
Janet Yowell
Jessica Todd
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
Introducción a la estructura ecológica principal del Distrito Capital y su región ambiental: Conceptos fundamentales, ordenamiento territorial e instrumentos jurídicos
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0.0 stars

El Distrito Capital, como entidad territorial localizada en el centro de la Sábana de Bogota, tiene la responsabilidad política y administrativa de liderar la sostenibilidad ambiental y articularse con la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR) con miras a preservar la estructura ecológica del territorio y propiciar usos sostenibles del suelo (urbano y rural). Para ello existe un conjunto de herramientas e instrumentos administrativos contemplados en el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) del Distrito Capital que todos los ciudadanos deberían conocer y usar para proteger los ecosistemas de la sabana de Bogota y los derechos humanos asociados con la sostenibilidad ambiental. El objetivo de esta publicación es contribuir a la divulgación de dichas herramientas, mediante conceptualización y síntesis de la información jurídica relevante sobre la materia. Para lograr este propósito, este libro está estructurado en dos partes, la primera plantea una contextualización teórica e historia sobre el ordenamiento territorial en Bogotá y la segunda parte presenta los principales conceptos de la estructura ecológica principal siguiendo el articulado del POT de Bogotá - Decreto Distrital 555 de 2021.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Introduction to Climate Science
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book describes how Earth's climate is changing, how it has been changing in the recent geological past and how it may change in the future. It covers the physical sciences that build the foundations of our current understanding of global climate change such as radiation, Earth's energy balance, the greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle. Both natural and human causes for climate change are discussed. Impacts of climate change on natural and human systems are summarized. Ethical and economical aspects of human-caused climate change and solutions are presented. Data dashboard

Word Count: 52328

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Date Added:
Introduction to Environmental Challenges in China
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Through an overview of some of the environmental challenges facing the growing and evolving country of China today, students learn about the effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution that China is struggling to curb with the help of engineers and scientists. This includes the sources of particulate matter 2.5 and carbon dioxide, and air pollution impacts on the health of people and the environment.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
Abigail T. Watrous
Denise W. Carlson
Janet Yowell
Stephanie Rivale
Date Added: