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  • Agriculture
9. All Teacher-Created Materials - The Writing Revolution - Sentence-Level & Note-Taking Mini Lessons, Single Paragraph & Multiple Paragraph Sequences
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0.0 stars

Find mini lessons  and anchor charts for each grade level (K-2, 3-6, 7-9 & 10-12) on The Writing Revolution's sentence-level activities, note-taking strategies, a sequence for teaching a single paragraph and multiple paragraph compositions with activities and examples. An implementation plan is provided, as well as how to infuse writing into math, along with pacing guides and other lesson ideas. This resource has everything you need to start using The Writing Revolution at the sentence-level, note-taking, paragraph and mutiple paragraph writing strategies in your classroom or school. We recommend that you have a copy of this book to use as a support in your classroom to assist with implementaiton (especially if you are the ELA teacher). This is an outstanding resource.  

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Social Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
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Crop Improvement
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book covers basic principles in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Emphasis is on methods of cultivar development in self-pollinating, cross-pollinating and asexually propagating crops. Relevant examples of crop improvement research in Africa are utilized to cover factors affecting cultivar release, multiplication, and distribution of high-quality seed.

Long Description:
This book covers basic principles in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Emphasis is on methods of cultivar development in self-pollinating, cross-pollinating and asexually propagating crops. Relevant examples of crop improvement research in Africa are utilized to cover factors affecting cultivar release, multiplication, and distribution of high-quality seed.

Word Count: 82321

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Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Date Added:
Cutting Through Soil
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students pretend they are agricultural engineers during the colonial period and design a miniature plow that cuts through a "field" of soil. They are introduced to the engineering design process and learn of several famous historical figures who contributed to plow design.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Jacob Crosby
Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
Financial Management for Small Businesses, 2nd OER Edition
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Financial Statements & Present Value Models

Short Description:
This book is for those whose financial management focus is on small businesses. For you, we adapt the traditional financial management themes emphasized in corporate financial management courses to meet the needs of small businesses.

Long Description:
This book is for those whose financial management focus is on small businesses. For you, we adapt the traditional financial management themes emphasized in corporate financial management courses to meet the needs of small businesses.

Many financial managers of small businesses come from farms or agribusinesses. Others are interested in working for or starting businesses in the food or retail sectors. In most cases, these businesses aren’t organized as C-corporations impacting things like taxes, depreciation, and legal requirements around compiling and reporting financial data. They are rarely publicly traded which creates unique constraints to raising debt and equity capital and calculating required risk-adjusted returns.

These financial managers are interested in solving specific problems they face in family or small businesses. They want to know how to apply the tools they are learning—coordinated financial statement analysis, present value analysis, management of cash flow, measuring their opportunity costs, etc.—to the problems they face at home. As we started to work on the actual problems faced by these managers, it quickly became clear that corporate finance tools don’t exactly fit the small businesses they come from. Further, in attempting to tackle the problems they bring, we learned that finding and/or constructing the data needed for financial management is another skill set often overlooked and in need of development. In the end, after investing a lot of time, we found that—without adaptation—corporate finance theory as traditionally taught doesn’t meet the knowledge needs and application skills of financial managers of small businesses. We wrote this book to be a catalyst that enables students and managers of small businesses to learn the tools and skill sets that will help them make sound financial management decisions.

Word Count: 179566

ISBN: 978-1-62610-114-2

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Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Date Added:
Genetics, Agriculture, and Biotechnology
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics.

Long Description:
This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics.

Word Count: 45195

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Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Iowa State University
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Human Prehistory 101 (Part 3 of 3): Agriculture Rocks Our World
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0.0 stars

Fourth in a series of videos from Khan Academy and 23andMe that introduces human prehistory, this video describes how agriculture changed human societies and genetics throughout the world.

Career and Technical Education
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Provider Set:
Date Added:
Introduction to Biosystems Engineering
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The discipline of Biosystems Engineering emerged in the 1990s from the traditional strongholds of agricultural engineering and food engineering. Biosystems engineering integrates engineering science and design with applied biological, environmental, and agricultural sciences. Introduction to Biosystems Engineering is targeted at 1st and 2nd year university-level students with an interest in biosystems engineering but who are not yet familiar with the breadth and depth of the subject. It is designed as a coherent educational resource, also available for download as individual digital chapters. The book can be used as a localized, customizable text for introductory courses in Biosystems Engineering globally. It is written as a series of stand-alone chapters organized under six major topics: Food and Bioprocessing; Environment; Buildings and Infrastructure; Information and Communications Technology and Data; Machinery Systems; and Energy. Each chapter is organized around stated learning outcomes and describes key concepts, applications of the concepts, and worked examples.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Date Added:
Introduction to Permaculture
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Welcome to this free eBook, “Intro to Permaculture”. The permaculture perspective has more resonance now than at any other time since the term ‘permaculture’ was coined in 1978. The Paris Climate Agreement of 2016 has the world admitting it needs to turn civilization onto a different road. Permaculture design has been scouting out that path for nearly 40 years, and now it’s time that the world sees some of what we have learned about living in cooperation with nature.This free introduction to permaculture is meant for the novice and the professional alike, with no prior experience necessary. For the person new to permaculture design and land stewardship, this book will provide a foundation from which to build upon with subsequent training, and introduce a new perspective that can be applied in many careers and facets of life. Data dashboard

Long Description:
Permaculture Design is a method of land planning that can be applied at scales from the home garden to city block to village to farm. It is an ethically based whole-systems design approach that uses concepts, principles, and methods derived from ecosystems, indigenous technologies, and other time-tested practices to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, Permaculture design is interdisciplinary, touching on a wide range of subjects including regional planning, ecology, animal husbandry, appropriate technology, architecture, social justice, and international development.

This open text book is derived from the content of the Massive Open Online Course “Intro to Permaculture”. The original course also included interactive mapping and design tools that accompanied this content. The course and book provide a general overview of the Permaculture design system. The book can be downloaded as a print version. However, there are many accompanying videos and content pages that are linked to throughout the text, so it is best viewed online where the links can be accessed.

Word Count: 15583

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Date Added:
Molecular Plant Breeding
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book focuses on genomics and plant biotechnology approaches used in plant breeding, the analysis of genomic data, and their application in quality control measures. The application of alternative genomic technologies to enhance conventional breeding strategies is also presented.

Long Description:
This book focuses on genomics and plant biotechnology approaches used in plant breeding, the analysis of genomic data, and their application in quality control measures. The application of alternative genomic technologies to enhance conventional breeding strategies is also presented.

Word Count: 78625

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Career and Technical Education
Life Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Date Added:
Pastos Tropicales de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana Tomo I: Avances científicos sobre sistemas silvopastoriles como estrategia de reconversión de la ganadería
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0.0 stars

La rápida expansión de la frontera agrícola como consecuencia desmesurada de la deforestación y cambios antropogénicos a nivel mundial, es un tema de preocupación por la comunidad científica internacional. Además, frente a una lucha contra el cambio climático por efecto de la ganadería, una de las principales estrategias para la mitigación de gases de efecto invernadero, lo constituyen alternativas sostenibles si uso de productos con alta huella de carbono, revalorizando, además, los recursos locales. En el caso de la zona norte de Ecuador, a pesar de los limitados atributos respecto a gradiente de fertilidad de los suelos, la cría de ganado ya sea de leche y/o doble propósito representa uno de los eslabones más fuertes dentro de la economía de las familias. Por lo tanto, es menester investigar alternativas de producción que nos permitan conservar los recursos naturales dada la fragilidad de estos ecosistemas megadiversos. Mediante este libro se plasma que el uso de sistemas ganaderos convencionales, degradan los recursos naturales con mermas significativas de la productividad, así como bajo réditos económicos. En consecuencia, la implementación de sistemas silvopastoriles como alternativa tecnológica de fácil instalación, es sin duda el camino para alcanzar sistemas ganaderos más eficientes, amigables con el medio ambiente, diversificando además los ingresos económicos de la población.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Permaculture Design: Tools for Climate Resilience
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is predominantly about climate, and the macro influences of climate and climate change on design. As we get through the topics of climate analogues and climate change forecasting, we will end up moving down this list to see the climate’s influence on specific design choices. Data dashboard

Word Count: 42354

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Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Date Added:
Principios Básicos de Bioquímica para Agroecología
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0.0 stars

El libro "Principios Básicos de Bioquímica para Agroecología" es una obra que busca proporcionar a los estudiantes de esta disciplina una base sólida en los fundamentos de la bioquímica, escrita por un equipo de docentes investigadores, se presenta como un recurso didáctico para aquellos estudiantes que buscan comprender la relación entre la química, la bioquímica y la agricultura, iniciando con la definición conceptual de bioquímica. A medida que avanza el texto, se profundiza en los conceptos de estructuras de la célula vegetal, sus características y funciones, así como también se describen las proteínas, lípidos, carbohidratos y ácidos nucleicos. Además, aborda temas importantes para la agroecología, como la fotosíntesis y la función de los nutrientes en las plantas. El enfoque en estos temas permite a los estudiantes de agroecología entender cómo los principios de la bioquímica son relevantes para el estudio de la agricultura y la producción de alimentos. Así también incluye una variedad de recursos de apoyo para el aprendizaje, como cuadros, tablas, diagramas y ejemplos. Estos recursos ayudan a los estudiantes a visualizar y comprender los conceptos difíciles de la bioquímica, y a aplicarlos a situaciones del mundo real. Una de las características más destacadas de este documento es su lenguaje accesible y fácil de entender. Los autores han evitado el uso excesivo de terminología técnica y han explicado los conceptos de manera clara y concisa. Esto hace que sea adecuado para estudiantes de diversos niveles y antecedentes académicos. En conclusión, es material bibliográfico valioso y esencial para cualquier estudiante que desee comprender los principios básicos de la bioquímica y su aplicación en el campo de la agroecología. Con una escritura clara, recursos de apoyo útiles y un enfoque en temas relevantes para la agricultura, representa una excelente herramienta para el aprendizaje y la comprensión de la bioquímica y su relación con la producción de alimentos.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition
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The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is designed for students in undergraduate, introductory soil science courses, and highlights the many aspects of soil science, including: soil genesis and classification, soil physical properties, soil-water interaction, soil biology, soil chemistry, and soil fertility. The lab manual includes 15 different laboratories, each one starting with an introduction and pre-lab assignment, followed by in-lab activities, and complimented by post-lab assignment. In-lab activities involve field trips, experiments, observation stations, or problem sets. Post-lab assignments include online quizzes, problem sets, or laboratory summary reports.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Date Added:
Transformando la Ganadería: Evaluación de las Explotaciones de Vacunos
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0.0 stars

El estudio se realizó en 18 distritos de la provincia de Huancavelica, encuestando a 426 productores de bovino durante 2020. Los productores, con un nivel educativo primario o sin educación en su mayoría, se dedican principalmente a la agricultura y la ganadería, y no suelen recibir sueldo por su trabajo. La raza principal de ganado es la Brown Swiss (37.6%), y los productores mantienen un promedio de 6.5 cabezas de vacuno, con un sistema de producción semi extensivo. El objetivo principal de la crianza de bovinos es la producción de leche (46.9%) y doble propósito (44.1%), aunque la mayoría de los productores no puede determinar el peso vivo del bovino que vende. Aunque se practica el pastoreo y la suplementación con sal común, no se conservan pastos para la temporada seca, y la mayoría de los productores tiene dificultades para detectar el celo y determinar la edad al primer servicio. Predomina la monta natural, sin mejoramiento genético, y no se realiza un manejo adecuado de enfermedades como la mastitis y la fasciola. Los productores carecen de equipos y maquinarias, no reciben asistencia técnica adecuada y no siguen un calendario sanitario. Se concluye que la administración y la asistencia técnica en áreas como la reproducción, la sanidad, el mejoramiento genético y la alimentación son deficientes.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Tree Steward Manual
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0.0 stars

This manual was developed by Virginia Cooperative Extension for Master Gardeners who are training to be certified advanced Master Gardener tree stewards. Written by a dedicated team of volunteers who themselves completed advanced Master Gardener tree steward training, the manual covers a wide range of topics, specific to each region of Virginia, including identifying trees, selecting and planting appropriate trees for local landscapes, caring for trees, and troubleshooting tree problems.

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Date Added: