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  • Law
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (2015)
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0.0 stars

These rules govern the conduct of all criminal proceedings brought in Federal courts. Our Federal Rules ebooks include: The complete rules as of December 1, 2012 (for the 2013 edition); All notes of the Advisory Committee following each rule; Internal links to rules referenced within the rules; and external links to the LII website's version of the US Code.

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Material Type:
Primary Source
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Date Added:
Federal Rules of Evidence (2016)
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0.0 stars

These rules govern the introduction of evidence in proceedings, both civil and criminal, in Federal courts. While they do not apply to suits in state courts, the rules of many states have been closely modeled on these provisions. Our Federal Rules ebooks include: The complete rules as of December 1, 2012 (for the 2013 edition); All notes of the Advisory Committee following each rule; Internal links to rules referenced within the rules; and external links to the LII website's version of the US Code.

Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
General Law
Material Type:
Primary Source
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Date Added:
First Amendment: Cases, Controversies, and Contexts
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0.0 stars

This Casebook (Revised First Edition, August 2016) is intended to be used in an upper-division course covering the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Its 14 chapters are substantially the same length, with the exception of Chapter One, the introduction, and Chapters Eleven and Twelve which in combination are the usual length. It is intended for 13 or 14 week semester that meets once or twice per week. Each Chapter contains a “Chapter Outline” at the beginning for ease of reference.

The Casebook is organized with the Speech Clauses as Part One and the Religion Clauses as Part Two. Unlike many other courses, there is no accepted organizational scheme within these broad areas. As the Introduction notes, First Amendment doctrine, especially within freedom of speech, presents a varied and haphazard landscape.

The Casebook follows a scheme that has proven effective in Professor Robson's years of teaching the course to hundreds of students. The selection of cases tends toward the most recent and these tend to be less heavily edited. These recent cases often contain extended discussions of earlier cases that are not included in the Casebook.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added:
Fundamentals of Business Law
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of Denver Students in collaboration with lawyers and business professionals for use in required 200 level business law courses in the United States. This book is an introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.

Word Count: 90940

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
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Fundamentals of Business Law
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of Denver Students in collaboration with lawyers and business professionals for use in required 200 level business law courses in the United States. This book is an introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.

General Law
Material Type:
Community College of Denver
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The Indigo Book: A Manual of Legal Citation
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Welcome to The Indigo Book—a free, Creative Commons-dedicated implementation of The Bluebook’s Uniform System of Citation. The Indigo Book was compiled by a team of students at the New York University School of Law, working under the direction of Professor Christopher Jon Sprigman.

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Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society—Cases and Materials
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to intellectual property law, the set of private legal rights that allows individuals and corporations to control intangible creations and marks—from logos to novels to drug formulae—and the exceptions and limitations that define those rights. It focuses on the three graphmain forms of US federal intellectual property—trademark, copyright and patent—but many of the ideas discussed here apply far beyond those legal areas and far beyond the law of the United States.

The book is intended to be a textbook for the basic Intellectual Property class, but because it is an open coursebook, which can be freely edited and customized, it is also suitable for an undergraduate class, or for a business, library studies, communications or other graduate school class. Each chapter contains cases and secondary readings and a set of problems or role-playing exercises involving the material. The problems range from a video of the Napster oral argument to counseling clients about search engines and trademarks, applying the First Amendment to digital rights management and copyright or commenting on the Supreme Court's rulings on gene patents.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
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Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
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0.0 stars

This is not a comprehensive citation reference work. Its limited aim is to serve as a tutorial on how to cite the most widely referenced types of U.S. legal material, taking account of local norms and the changes in citation practice forced by the shift from print to electronic sources. It begins with an introductory unit. That is followed immediately by one on "how to cite" the categories of authority that comprise a majority of the citations in briefs and legal memoranda. Using the full table of contents one can proceed through this material in sequence. The third unit, organized around illustrative examples, is intended to be used either for review and reinforcement of the prior "how to" sections or as an alternative approach to them. One can start with it since the illustrative examples for each document type are linked back to the relevant "how to" principles.

General Law
Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
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Land Use
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0.0 stars

This text explores the laws governing the use of land. Sometimes narrowly focused, often intensely local, land use regulation may give the impression of a highly specialized field with small stakes.The text is divided into three parts: First, we will survey the ordinary, local administrative scheme of land use regulation. The cases in this section are intended to establish what that system is and what itŐs standards are. In the second part of the course, we will turn our attention to cases illustrating litigation attacks on the ordinary administrative scheme. The purpose here is not, as it was in the first part, to understand better the standards the administrators should apply, but to understand the constraints imposed on the contents of local laws, the procedures of enactment and permitting, and the composition of local lawmaking bodies. In the third part, we focus on the distributive concerns raised by land use regulation. The regulatory takings doctrine has gone from, literally, nothing, to wrestling to disentangle distributive concerns from substantive ones, to trying to craft either rules or standards to identify regulations that go Ňtoo farÓ and should be considered ŇtakingsÓ within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment. We will consider what the doctrineŐs purposes are, how it should be governed, and how it should be invoked as a procedural matter.

General Law
Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
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Law 101: Fundamentals of the Law
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Law 101: Fundamentals of Law, New York and Federal Law is an attempt to provide basic legal concepts of the law to undergraduates in easily understood plain English. Each chapter covers a different area of the law. Areas of law were selected based on what legal matters undergraduates may typically encounter in their daily lives. The textbook is introductory by nature and not meant as a legal treatise.

Material Type:
Milne Publishing
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Law School Materials for Success
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0.0 stars

The first year of law school is, for many people, one of the most significant transitions of their adult life. Law school demands a lot as it helps you make the transition from your prior identity as student (or as some other occupational role) to your new identity as an attorney. To meet the demands of law school, it is often helpful to have the big picture before you begin – a sense of what it is you are trying to do as you prepare for classes, participate in those classes, review and prepare for exams, take exams, and then begin the cycle once again.

Law School Materials for Success is designed to give you the essentials of that process. It is purposefully brief – most law students do not have the time for an extensive examination of the study of law school. Rather, they need a source for some basic, critical advice and some pointers on where to go for more if necessary. That is what this book and the accompanying podcasts are designed to provide.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added:
Law for Entrepreneurs
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This textbook provides context and essential concepts across the entire range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple. The text provides the vocabulary and legal acumen necessary for businesspeople to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials—and to their own lawyers.

Business and Communication
General Law
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Date Added:
The Law of Trusts
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0.0 stars

The use of testamentary trusts is becoming an important part of estate planning. As a result, students who want to make a living as probate attorneys will need to know how trusts fit into estate planning. In addition, bar examiners realize that it is important for students to have a basic knowledge of trust law. That realization will result in bar examination questions that test that knowledge. This book is designed for use as a supplementary text for a course on wills and trusts and the primary text in a seminar or course exploring the law of trusts.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
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Law of Wills
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this casebook is to train law students to think and act like probate attorneys. This book is meant to be used in conjunction with the author's book on the law of trusts. This book's focus is problem-solving and legal application; the book includes numerous problems, so law students can learn to apply the law they learn from reading the cases. It also contains collaborative learning exercises to encourage students to engage in group problem-solving. The book is divided into three parts to reflect the main types of issues that students will encounter if they practice probate law. The book's organization mirrors the manner in which probate law is practiced in the real world.

The book starts with an examination of the intestacy system because the majority of people die without executing a will. Therefore, most of the legal issues a probate lawyer faces center around the intestacy system. Unlike the typical wills casebook, this book provides a detailed discussion of the intestacy system. A chapter on ethics is included because probate attorneys encounter ethical issues that are different from attorneys practicing in other areas of law.

The second part of the book includes an exploration of the testacy system. It is arranged so professors can lead students from the client interview to the will execution. The first three chapters of this section deal with issues that directly impact the existence of the inheritance system. It analyzes a person's ability to control the disposition of his or her property after death. This serves as the students' first introduction to the power of the “dead hand”. These chapters are included to start a public policy discussion about the rights of the dead, the right of heirs, and the necessity of an inheritance system. I tell my students that, when executing a will, they must think of the ways that it can be contested. In addition, I tell them that a will can be contested on two fronts-an attack on the testator and an attack on the will. Two chapters in this part highlight the ways that the testator's ability to execute a valid will may questioned.

The final chapters in this unit show the issues that can be raised to dispute the validity of the will. They also explain the different types of wills that are available. The final part of the book deals with non-probate transfers. These chapters are included to show students the other devises that people can use to distribute their property. That knowledge is important because the majority of people use these procedures to transfer their property. At the end of the semester, my students have to draft a will based upon a fact pattern that I give them. I intentionally include non-probate property in order to see if they will attempt to distribute that using the will.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added:
Liberty, Equality and Due Process: Cases, Controversies, and Contexts in Constitutional Law
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0.0 stars

This Casebook is intended to be used in a course which concentrates on Constitutional Rights and centers the Fourteenth Amendment. It can be used in a first year Law School course with a title such as “Liberty, Equality, and Due Process,” as it is at CUNY School of Law, an upper division Constitutional Rights course, or an advanced undergraduate course focusing on constitutional rights, especially equality and due process.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added:
Los gritos silenciosos de las víctimas de violencia de género: Un enfoque desde la perspectiva pre procesal y procesal penal en el Ecuador
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0.0 stars

Con la globalización en la que nos encontramos la violencia contra la mujer o miembros del núcleo familiar ha ido en aumento ya que se desarrolla en cada uno de los hogares y esta ocurre cuando existe actos violentos por parte del agresor hacia las víctimas de este particular la mayoría de los casos son puestos en conocimiento de las autoridades competente. Hay que entender que América Latina donde los países son menos desarrollados, la violencia ocurre contra la mujer y ésta no tiene un índice real, debido a que la mayoría no pone en conocimiento de qué son víctimas de violencia. En el Estado ecuatoriano existen diversos tipos de violencia que son conocidos por fiscalía de mayor forma se dan los casos de violencia física y violencia psicológica estos tipos de violencia son los que se relacionan entre sí, es decir, la agresión física y psicológica. En el Ecuador con la reforma del Código Orgánico Integral Penal en el año 2019 y su posterior vigencia y aplicación en mes en el mes de junio del 2020, se da la implementación de nuevos mecanismos legales para suspender la sustanciación del proceso en materia de violencia contra la mujer o miembros del núcleo familiar, como procedimientos especiales para solucionar los problemas de esta materia considerando que la norma constitucional establece que el Estado garantizará a la víctima la sanción del agresor mediante procedimientos especiales en relación a la violencia.

Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Open Judicial Politics
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The impetus for this volume was a multitude of conversations regarding pedagogy and teaching related to our judicial process courses. Based on these conversations, we identified four main threads or needs of our colleagues: First, many of us bring or want to bring more “political science” into our classes, though we also want to avoid the high costs of reinventing successful existing courses to do so. Second, our programs all require a political methodology course, and we want to reinforce those lessons in our substantive courses. We want to encourage our students’ understanding of how to read and understand research studies as well as how to craft their own research questions. Third, we want to keep our courses as current as possible. And fourth, we wanted to find a way to bring the cost of our courses down, as we see so many students struggle with the high costs of a college degree. This volume (as well as any future editions) addresses each of these concerns. Data Dashboard

Word Count: 312882

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Oregon State University
Date Added:
Open-Source Property: A Free Casebook
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0.0 stars

Open Source Property: A Free Casebook is a free resource for instructors and students of the first-year Property Law course at American law schools, and anyone else with an interest in the subject.

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Professional Responsibility: An Open-Source Casebook
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. Accordingly, we included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and restatements, as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book addresses a different issue, in the following format. First, it clearly and concisely explains the relevant law governing that issue. Then provides the relevant text of any statutes, Model Rules, sections of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, or other sources, with a link to an open-source versions of the full text, when available. It provides one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law at issue, with a link to an open-source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning, and holding, and followed by questions intended to indicate subjects for further investigation or discussion. And finally, it includes citations to law review articles and other materials relevant to the law at issue, with links to open-source versions of those materials, when available.

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Property Volume 1
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0.0 stars

This is Volume 1 of a two volume set written for Property Law. From the Preface: Property, as a vaguely defined collection of contract, tort, and criminal cases, does not take on the natural structure of a substantive area of the law through the systematic study of duty, breach, causation, defenses, and damages. Instead this textbook and most Property courses survey various topics in law with two goals in mind. First, we will study a number of traditional property topics, those where the issue of "ownership" and what that entails have long been thought to be a central issue. Second, but most importantly, our interdisciplinary study will introduce some of the major analytical techniques in law, from reasoning using precedent to law and economics to distributive justice. As we roam among topics, our goal is always, relentlessly to ask, "Why?" "Why should the law protect this party's interest?" These major techniques that we will pick up along the way will help us provide better and better answers to this question.

Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
Date Added: